Monday, May 24, 2010

Learn to Push Past Fatigue . . .

Fatigue does not have to impede progress toward your objectives and goals. Getting tired is not a signal to quit. Many people, when tired, mistakenly continue to work on projects requiring too much concentration and creativity, only to become frustrated. The escalation of this "fatigue-inaction response" then results in the feeling of getting further and further behind.

Yet others, facing such projects, simply quit before they begin.

Use fatigue rather as a signal that it is time to switch gears from a project or activity needing more awareness to one needing less brain power. Normally there is no end to the number of activities from which you can choose, but you will find that, when fatigued, you can operate more effectively on lower priority projects and activities.

If you get into the habit of quitting a task just because you feel tired, your mind begins to play tricks on you. Whenever you face a challenging project requiring intense thought, your mind may then trigger fatigue, creating an excuse for not even getting started.

If you continue to stay awake and remain active in the face of this type of fatigue, it will pass, and you will once again experience alertness. By becoming more aware of your body’s responses, you will discover your fatigue cycle and be able to use it to your benefit.

Getting some sunlight into your eyes can be a significant help, especially if you are becoming somnolent, or drowsy. Just step outside for a few, if you can, and look toward the sky for a few moments. Don't look directly at the sun (I think you already know that, of course), but let the daylight hit your retinas. Light stimulates the retinas, which then send signals through your neurons to the hypothalamus, which participates in the establishment of sleep patterns. These signals will tell the hypothalamus that it isn't time to sleep, and it will help to perk you up.

I know that is a bit over-simplified and not specifically precise, but I wanted to keep from getting too technical since this is not a college essay. :)

Moving right along, if you follow these suggestions, you will definitely become more active and feel better along the way. This depends, however, on when you decide to get started.

Why not right now?

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