Monday, November 1, 2010

Shadows on the Wall . . .

There once was a little girl named Sissy. She was like any other little girl her age. Sissy was a pretty girl with long, curly hair. But one thing stood out and ruined everything: Sissy had epilepsy. This caused her to have seizures. She would fall down and shake, then wet her pants. The other little children always made fun of her. They did not understand why she did those things.

Sissy could never remember what had happened. So she could not understand why they treated her so badly. All she knew is that she wanted other little girls and boys to like her. Yet nobody wanted to give Sissy a chance. This was worse than any thing else.

No matter how she tried, Sissy could not find a friend at school. She was always the last one chosen to a team in her P.E. class. Lunch period was even worse. Sissy would sit at a table, only to watch the others move to another one. Sissy was left to eat alone. During recess, Sissy sat off to the side as others laughed and played games. Many laughs were directed at her. Yet the smiles from the other faces put a smile on her own. This made her content as she witnessed their fun. But she often asked herself, "Why doesn't anyone like me?"

Sissy tried to get answers from her classmates. But the answer would not come. Nobody would tell her why.  Sissy took the last resort. She went home and asked her mother the same question: "Why doesn't anyone like me?" Her mother replied, "You are just hard to get along with." Her mother's answer left Sissy even more confused. This led Sissy into her bedroom with tears in her eyes. No matter how sad she felt Sissy would not give up. She needed to find out why. Besides, Sissy knew that someday the answer would come.

Suddenly, Sissy looked up from her pillow. A shadow was dancing on the bedroom's wall. She felt comforted, no longer all alone. The shadows became her friends. Sissy came up with an idea. By using her hand the shadows could be any shape or form.  They patted her on the shoulder. They rubbed her head when it hurt.

Sissy could share anything with her shadowy friends because they listened to her. Her seizures did not cause them to stop liking her. They were always there for her when she needed them. The warmth, filling her room, dried her tears and made her feel better.

Sissy no longer had to ask, "Why doesn't anyone like me?" Now, Sissy had friends to laugh and play with. The shadows turned the sadness into happiness. Her new friends gave her a chance. They gave her love. They made her feel special. Sissy's new friends would never turn away. They would be friends for life. 

Sissy's friends showed her how to love others. When others treated Sissy badly she would love them anyway. The feeling of love was all around. Sissy got to where she could handle her seizures. 

The answer to her question helped her to understand more about herself. Sissy realized that she was different. She also learned that everyone was different. Sissy no longer had to rely on others. She could rely on her heart. Her love made her heart grow. It kept growing. Sissy learned to be there for others. Her smile put smiles on other's faces.

As she kept growing Sissy's illness did not matter. Sissy even came across others where the seizures did not matter. More people began to not turn away, but instead wanted to stay. Many became her friends also.

All this started with the shadows on the wall. They became her friends and they were willing to give her a chance. Sissy learned what friendship was all about. She learned that just because someone is different does not mean they cannot be a friend. And Sissy's shadowy friends taught her that everyone deserves a chance.

 Before jumping to conclusions, take a moment and find out more about one another. The best gift we can give each other is a friendship that lasts, and understanding will help make this happen. Love is no good unless it is shared. And when it is shared it keeps growing from that time on. Remember I need you; you need me; we need each other to share with.

(Retrieved from "Shadows on the Wall" by Lora Morrow, 2001.)

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