Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tips On Dealing Effectively With Stress

Sometimes it seems as if life is a series of losses--the loss of a spouse, the loss of a job, the loss of a brother. You may realize you need to take time to grieve all of these losses. But what you may not realize is that such losses can also lead to chronic stress--a great deal of it. To remain emotionally healthy, you must learn to deal effectively with stress induced by traumatic life events.

For instance, you might decide to delay a major decision such as the purchase of a new home until you've successfully battled the stress from your divorce. Or you may decide to wait before taking a new job until you've dealt with the stress from your wedding. This self awareness can enable you to reduce your stress level and to maintain your equilibrium as you go through life’s struggles.

One of the healthiest things you can do is to draw up a list of stress causing life events and post it in a place where your entire family can see it. That way, you'll have a constant reminder of just what you're up against. This can also serve to encourage your family at a time of great heartache. Family members will be able to see that the event is a normal part of life–one that many other families face. As a result, they'll be able to put the event in perspective.

Another important thing to do is to verbalize your feelings about a stressful event. Talk to your mate, your parents, a friend, or your pastor.  If you feel as if there's simply no one to confide in, you might consider therapy.

Talking about your feelings is an important part of the healing process, and will enable you to deal with the stress much more efficiently. Another good option is to commit your feelings to writing. Keep a journal and use it to express your innermost thoughts. You might be surprised by how therapeutic this can be.

Another important strategy is simply to "take it slow." Don't hurry when making major life decisions, particularly when you are faced with a crisis. Recognize that most things in life do not require instantaneous decisions. You have the luxury of time, so use it to your full advantage. In the end, you'll be happy you've taken the time to think things through, rather than making rash decisions. If you're in a "calm mode," you'll also be better able to handle the stress of difficult situations.
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Free Video Reveals #1 Secret On Absolutely Conquering Stress Today!  Click Here Now!

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