Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ramblings From My Diary: On Character

Throughout my life, I have been the type of person who always wanted the best: the best meaning, happiness, caring, sharing, for myself and those around me. My love has brought warm feelings and healing of which miracles are made. I don’t do the things that I do out of greed or to cause any pain. Instead, it is shared to help make life a better place through peace and harmony.

It all begins with friendship. There is nothing better than this as a foundation. If the feelings are mutual then the friendship will last forever. Both parties are bonded in trust and are there for one another. However, when it is one-sided there is always pain. Someone gets hurt because they're being taken advantage of and/or misled to thinking something totally false.

It takes two to build a friendship, but it takes only one to destroy it.

I have learned just how evil the human heart can be. So often I have been misled. When I make a commitment, I go up and beyond to that of a normal person because I mean it. I give it my all, or what the other will allow me to give. When it is seen and felt in the way it should, nothing is taken away. Instead, something is always added in my life and theirs, and it lasts forever.

Being who I am, and doing what I believe, often brings light to those who accept the true meaning, and me for who I truly am. Those who turn away cannot take the light because they live in darkness. Darkness cannot stand the light, and that’s where I find that I don’t belong. Even having been told I’m too nice tells me few can or will understand me. How persons treat others is how they feel about themselves. Often this causes me the greatest of pain--pain and sorrow for them for what they lost: a true friend.

More and more, I see and experience the sadness of how this world is turning out, what so many are missing and losing by being divided into their own little worlds, without sharing or caring. United we stand divided we fall, as the saying goes.

For those of us who are true, honest, and sincere, it is hard even to find someone who will be a friend, much less anything else, that which grows deeper. If we can’t ask each other for help and comfort, then whom can we ask? Even the meaning of "family" isn’t the same as it once was. So much has been taken away, due to selfishness and greed. Wise up people! It is not what you have; it is what you give. If you have nothing to share, you’re only making up excuses, and excuses are lies. In the long run you’ll be left with nothing because you are being blinded by the light that life has to offer.

It is a very simple formula: When one does the right thing, good things will happen. When doing the wrong thing, bad things will happen. There’s always a price to pay when one knowingly takes advantage of another. Another cliché: You reap what you sow. In the end the only thing you can take with you is your character, who and what you have become while alive.

When that time comes, what will that look like?

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