Thursday, October 21, 2010

Water and Health . . .

The first thing one must realize when considering water pollution is that, in its natural state, water is not pure. Water in its natural state contains minerals, gases, salts, trace metals, bacteria, and organic and inorganic particles. At naturally low concentrations these items are harmless, and some of the minerals and bacteria are even beneficial. It is when their concentrations become higher that the water becomes contaminated

Humankind’s track record is not good. History shows that, once water comes into contact with humans, it will almost certainly become polluted. Industrial waste dumps, landfills, and other effluents, radioactive wastes, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, sewage effluents, and household toxic wastes all leach into rivers and groundwater supplies and degrade them. Even air pollution, created mostly by humans, of course, contributes to water pollution: Atmospheric pollution mixes with water vapor, forming smog and acid rain.

Of all the different pollutants, one of the most dangerous is lead. Twenty percent of American households still have dangerous levels of lead in their tap water. It is, by far the biggest threat because of the level of impending danger. Children who drink lead-tainted water can incur irreversible brain damage, resulting in diminished I.Q. scores, short attention spans, and other mental problems. Infants born to women who have drunk lead-tainted water have also shown to sustain many of these problems.

Adults can suffer kidney damage, high blood pressure, and brittle bones due to lead poisoning. While an adult’s neurological tissue is less sensitive to lead than that of a child’s, the adult can still sustain brain damage because of the deleterious nature of lead.

Though most people have been exposed to "scare tactics" from persons trying to sell something such as safety equipment, it seems all a person selling water filters or treatment units would have to do is to convey the facts! As part of preventing pollution we must strive to become more familiar with what causes water pollution as well as start to learn about and to use safer alternatives.

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