Monday, July 19, 2010

Eliminate Negativity From Your Life . . .

When you view your life, do you get positive or negative feelings? Do you awake each morning grateful for your blessings, ready and eager to meet the day, or is it just another day?

Let’s face it: We all suffer negative thoughts and feelings. But that means only that we all have some "kinks" to work out in our lives. That includes the negativity.

Negativity causes intense stress. Events in your own life and in the lives of others, if you get sucked into them, affect you for as long as your mind dwells on them. This produces both emotional and physical stress reactions. Not only can reactions to events affect your life, but they can even control it. Stress is the strongest associate with every type of condition and illness that exist. Stress is the number one killer. This is why you must become aware of and begin to eliminate the negative events, thoughts, emotions, and even the negative people from your life.

Continuously affirm to yourself, "It is just an event"

It was Shakespeare who said, "This, too, shall pass." Life each day can be viewed as a stream of connected events—some positive and some negative. The negative events can cause great stress, but they have the stress-producing power that only you assign to them. Separate your perception, opinion, and value judgment of a negative event from the event. Affirm to yourself, "It is just an event," and you will avoid triggering stress reactions.

Because time proceeds in one direction only, you have neither the power nor the option to change the outcome of a past event. But you have total power to choose how or whether you will respond or react to it, thereby influencing succeeding events and outcomes.

It is likely that, because of different beliefs, values, and opinions, four people who see the same event will relate and react to it in four different ways. But beliefs, values, and opinions are always in the mind, not in the event. Use this knowledge to separate your emotions from the events that occur in your life.

Probably 80 percent of the stress you experience during your life is created solely by how you use your mind. If you use your mind as you always have and as those around you use theirs, your stress level will continue to build until your body breaks down.

If, however, you learn to use your mind correctly, your stress level will be automatically reduced. Therefore, your goal is to stop reacting mentally and emotionally to what is going on around you, to perceive each new situation as just a neutral event. Then you can choose unemotionally what response to make. Your life stays under your control.

Daily life is full of potentially stress-triggering events. As you become more active, accept more challenges, and set more goals, your potential for stress becomes greater. Yet your stress level is something over which you can exercise almost total control, should you choose to.

To reduce stress, don’t make value judgments about people or events

A value judgment occurs when you inject strong opinions, beliefs, or feelings into or about an event. Value judgments include good or bad, just or unjust, right or wrong. None of these value judgments exists in the event itself, but only in how your mind views it. The moment you begin to inject negative opinions, feelings, or beliefs into events, you automatically stir up negative stress-producing emotions. If you make a negative value judgment about the outcome of an event, an experience, or even another person, you will end up upset and full of stress.

Make a positive value judgment, and you will end up happy and full of energy. The choice is totally up to you, and only you.

Making the most of each day

There is much that can be said for the philosophy, "Live one day at a time." Wallowing in past regret, or worrying about the future, is wasted energy. Concentrate on the present. Making plans for tomorrow, the next day, and the one after is wise, but you must not forget that unless you start today with your self-improvements, your future will not improve.

What you will be tomorrow depends on what you do today. Discipline yourself to enjoy each moment of living. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. So enjoy and make most of today.

Living can be simplified. You need merely to accept certain basic truths, certain fundamental common sense rules, and utilize your positive beliefs as a means of putting these rules of healthier living into daily practice.

If you begin today—now—the future will take care of itself. You can formulate your own rules for better living. Let them become part of a morning prayer that you recite to yourself at the beginning of each day.

Your own experience will be your best proof of how positive thinking can accomplish wonders for you.

I know I just said this, but I will say it again: Stress is the strongest associate with every type of condition and illness. Stress is the number one killer. It can be the difference between a short, miserable life, or a happy, long one. Choose the latter.

P.S. Get your free CD on Stress today:

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