Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Understanding the Blocks That Bind You . . .

Many of us feel so flawed that we believe that we are not good enough and never will be. And, if we find something wrong with us, then we are going to find something wrong with others as well. If we are still continuing to say that we can’t do something because our mother said this or our father did that, then we have not yet grown up.

So now you want to let your barriers go, and perhaps learn something different that you didn’t know before now. Maybe one sentence here can trigger a new thought.

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if every day you learned a new idea that would help you to let go of the past and create harmony in your life? When you become aware and understand the individual process of life, you will know what direction to take. If you put your energies into learning about yourself, you will eventually see those problems and issues that you need to dissolve.

Facing Challenges

We all have challenges in life. Everyone does. Nobody goes through life without them; otherwise, what would be the purpose of coming to this particular school called Earth? For some, there are health challenges, and for others there are relationship challenges, or career and financial challenges. Some have a little or a lot of everything.

One of our biggest problems is that most of us haven’t the faintest idea of what it is we want to let go. We know what is not working, and we may think we know what we want in life, yet we do not know what is holding us back.

If your own patterns and problems are what hold you back, into what categories do they fall: criticism, fear, guilt, or resentment? These categories are often called The Big Four. Which is the prominent one, or ones, in your life?

Your Inner Beliefs

Your experiences always reflect your inner beliefs. You can literally look at your experiences and determine what your beliefs are. Maybe it is disturbing to consider, but if you look at the people in your life, they also mirror what you believe about yourself. Everything we embrace in our lives is a mirror of who we are. When something is happening that is not comfortable, we have an opportunity to look inside and ask, "How am I contributing to this experience? What is within me that believes I deserve this?"

We all also have family patterns, and it is very easy for us to blame our parents, or our childhood, or our present environment, but such thoughts only keep us motionless. We are not allowing ourselves to become free. Instead, we remain victims, and we perpetuate the same problems over and over again.

It does not matter what anyone else did to you or what they taught you—or thought of you—in the past. Today is a new day. You are now in charge, and the choice is yours. Now is the time to create your future and your world. Only you can change the way you think, feel, and act. Yet you definitely can do it because you have the power within you that can break you free from these patterns if you will just allow it.


Think of what you want bring into reality for yourself. Form them into positive (not negative!) affirmations. Now, go to the mirror and repeat your affirmations. See what obstacles that might be standing in your way. When you begin to state an affirmation like, "Each day, in every way, I am getting better and better," pay close attention to the negative messages that may come up. Usually, these negative messages are one of the four I mentioned earlier: criticism, fear, guilt, or resentment.

(In front of the mirror is not the best place to practice affirmations. Here, you are just running a little experiment to see how you react to yourself, what your self-image really is. The best way to practice your affirmations is in an advanced relaxed state where you can communicate with your subconscious to make them part of you.  In my sessions, I teach you how to do this.)

As you recognize them, they will actually become treasures that will help to unlock the door to your freedom. How? They will actually present opportunities to take command and banish them for life! This is a new start for you to begin to take responsibility and think for yourself.

Many of us may face resistance when we begin our affirmations. However, resistance is the first step toward change. We need a safe space where we can work through these feelings. By letting go of the anger, rage, and shame we can move to the space where we are able to love ourselves.

The Healing Process

No matter what we are working on, it is important to remember that the feelings that come up are just feelings. Feelings are no longer experiences. We need to work on making the inner child feel safe. We have to be thankful for being able to survive the experiences and move on.

Sometimes when we are dealing with an issue of a wrong that has been done to us it is difficult to accept that the other person may have been doing the best he or she could at the time with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that they had.

We all need healing. When we learn to truly love and be honest to ourselves, we no longer harm anyone, including ourselves.

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