Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is There a MAN in the House?

After many years, women obtained equal rights. With this came responsibilities, and some that women weren't prepared for. Voting rights, workmanship, were going to reflect on how differently the world would view them. Before the rights came into play it was men's society. If women would refuse, or ask questions, they were in many cases treated as nothing more than a child.

Not all was so bad, however. When it came to raising the family and taking care of the husband and house, it was the wife's duty to fulfill these duties. The husband's duty was to go out and provide for the family. For many years, this life worked because all parties knew what they needed to do, and loved each other as they did it.

Yet something happened along the way: the control of males over the females went overboard. The females finally said, " Enough is enough! We have rights, too." Doing, and not doing as the man wanted was a set up for punishment. A catch 22 situation in many cases. Often the laws and rights were set for the males and only the males. For example, we can still see this regarding the work community: women get paid less than men when doing the same job.

Even though it has improved some over the years, When a woman is sexually assaulted, she is put into a category belittling her existence. In court, she often is grilled as if she's the perpetrator, in an effort to justify the actual perpetrator's actions. Perhaps this is necessary - I don't know - but I can assure you that is a small comfort to the woman.

Okay, this is where I'm leading to in my topic today. (Was there a bit of ramble to my rant?) I have seen and experienced cases where men (in this case, I use that term lightly) have come up and told me right up front that all they want to do is have sex with me. (Sorry to be so graphic, but perhaps you can imagine how shocking this is to a woman who never goes there.) These come from characters who don't know anything about me. They have never met me. But they still want to hop in the sack, just like that.

Then some whom I do get to know, or at least I thought I knew, want to be friends, but only with "benefits." No benefits, no friendship. Who created the saying, "friends with benefits," anyway? Of course, certain men. They are just looking for a quick fix. Those are the only feelings they have, and those feelings don't come from the heart. I shouldn't have to explain where they do come from.

No way are their feelings about anyone else. When a man comes up to me and expresses that he's been with a lot of women (why do they think that impresses a woman, anyway?), I begin to wonder what they are carrying and whether they even care if they pass it on. If a man has to be with that many women in the first place, he's a player who cares only about himself. Once he gets there, nothing else matters.

Sex in this society has too often become a filthy and disgusting act of control - or better said, lack of control. Making love, an act resulting from true love, is totally the opposite because before that even takes place the parties have connected with their hearts. The other person means more to each than the sexual act ever could. They both aim to please each other, in all phases of their relationship.

That is what is meant by being at one. We must open up our hearts . . . and put a harness on some of the other parts of our bodies until the heart has had its way.

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