Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Security in Risk . . .

Sometimes the wrong question keeps us from taking the first step. How often have you considered a new activity and then dismissed it after asking yourself, "What if I fail?" What would have happened if you’d asked yourself, "What if I succeed?" Would you have done it? Think back to how the scales tip when you weigh all your life’s successes against your failures. Looks to me like it is a better bet to take the risk that you will succeed.

Make risk your partner in business and in life, but do not make it a silent one. You must get acquainted with your goals and keep them in the forefront of your thinking and actions. This advice, when taken seriously and applied appropriately, will enhance every aspect of your life; it will allow your spirit to soar. General Patton said, "The whole joy of life is taking chances, to build enough faith to destroy all our fears."

The reality is that risk taking is becoming mandatory. As the Internet and other technological advances weave that the world together more tightly, fresh ideas and approaches travel around the world at the speed of light, influencing those it leaves in its wake. If you are hemmed in to your old routine, if you continue to stick with what has worked for you in the past, you will become stagnant and fall behind. You must continue to seek out new and different approaches to your daily life. In short, you must venture in order to gain.

Risk is not for the faith of heart. It requires a tremendous amount of courage, tenacity, and faith to move outside your comfort zone. Once you take the first step, you do not know where the next one will lead. All you know is that you have set in motion an entirely new chain of events, and it will take all your know-how to handle the unexpected opportunities and challenges that await you. Take heart: the rewards are bountiful. Remember, each time you do something that feels scary, different, and risky, you gain experience that emboldens you to do it for a second time, a third time, and perhaps more.

One clue that you are not taking enough risks is that you feel as if your life is in a rut. If you are feeling that way, now is a great time to break the self-imposed lock on rigid thinking and the preconceived ideas that there is no other way to approach problems, situations, or people. Do not allow your fear to continue to corral your natural avant-garde impulses, to clip your creativity, to keep you in a lock-step adherence to everyday sameness. One word describes the result: boring. In real life, the word is even harsher: defeat. Break free from your rut now!

When you get right down to it, it is pretty simple: You have to play the game to win. If you play with the cards so close to your chest, never looking beyond the past and your comfort in the present, you will miss out on bigger rewards in the future. Plus, since life is a game of chance, let us look at the odds. If the past performance is a good indicator, the odds are that every try that you make is not going to be a failure, especially if you keep trying.

Your success depends on thinking quickly and thinking smart and thinking ahead. All are totally in your control and up to you. To get ahead, you must dare to bring your heart, mind, body, and soul to the task of venturing beyond the status quo. You will have to dare to dig deep, and even deeper, to call forth all your assets. You will have to dare to join the party of success and bring something to the table. You will have to crush your fear of failure and realize that nothing overcomes failure except giving it an honest try.

Life is a risk, and we live it. Every day is a leap of faith. So Jump High!

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