Thursday, August 12, 2010

Honesty and the Power of Prosperity: Random Notes

We have power within us that is capable of bringing our fondest dreams to reality and providing enormous wealth. The problem is, we are not open to receiving it. If we want something, our subconscious mind does not say, "I’ll think about it." It readily responds and sends it through, and we have to be ready for it. If we aren’t, it goes back into the storehouse of unfulfilled desires.

Many clients have come to see me, only to sit with their arms folded across their bodies. I think, "How are they going to let anything in?" It is a wonderful symbolic gesture to open our arms wide so the universe notices and responds. For some, this is very scary because if they open themselves up they think terrible things will happen; and they probably will, until they change whatever is inside them that attracts all their doom and gloom.

Accepting Prosperity

When we use the term prosperity, many people immediately think of money. However, there are other concepts of prosperity: for example, time, love, success, comfort, the beauty from within, knowledge, relationships, and good health.

If you are feeling rushed because there is not enough time to do everything you want, then you have lack of time. If you feel that success is beyond your reach, then you are not going to get it. If you feel life is burdensome, then you will always feel uncomfortable. If you feel a lack of love and have poor relationships, then it will be difficult for you to attract love into your life.

None of the above has anything to do with receiving. So many think, oh I want to get this or that. But abundance and prosperity is about allowing yourself to accept. When you are not getting what you want, on some level you are not allowing yourself to accept it. If we steal from life, life will steal from us.

Being Honest With Ourselves

How often do we hear the word honesty? How many understand the true significance of what it means to be honest? Honesty is an act of love toward ourselves.

The main value of honesty is that whatever we give out in life we will get back. The law of cause and effect is always operating on all levels. If we belittle or judge others, then we, too, are judged. If we are always angry, then we encounter anger wherever we go. The love we have for ourselves keeps us in tune with the love life has for us.

For instance, imagine that you applied for a job you really wanted and did not get it. Does it make you feel like a victim? Certain questions would probably arise: Why wasn’t I hired? Who did this to me? It is a bad feeling when something like that happens. But do you stop to think how and why you may have attracted such an experience?

Taking responsibility for creating our own experiences is not an idea that many of us accept all the time, and, for some of us, not even some of the time. It is so much easier to blame something outside ourselves, yet our spiritual growth cannot occur until we recognize that there is little of value outside of us in this area—everything must come from within.

Negative beliefs are not the truth of our being. We are magnificent creations of God, and we have the right to earn the very best, and we were given an abundantly plentiful planet on which to do it.

Our good always comes to us by the right of consciousness—making the right choices and implementing them. The work we do in consciousness is always one of refining what we say, think, and do. When we clearly understand that our thoughts create our reality, then we use our reality as feedback mechanism to let us know what we need to change next.

This is what is meant by being honest. Being absolutely honest, down to the last paper clip, is a choice we make out of love for ourselves because honesty helps to make our lives run more smoothly and more easily.

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