Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Take Control of Your Personality . . .

You cannot make yourself taller, but you can develop a better personality. Personality involves the interaction of three factors: (1) habits, (2) traits, and (3) attitudes.

•    A habit is something one does over and over again.
•    A trait is a tendency to do something repeatedly in a similar way. For example, a person may have a trait of being untidy.
•    An attitude is a way of looking at something—life, love, relationships.

For the same reason that habits, traits, and attitudes are learned and acquired, they can also be altered or eliminated. And undesirable habits can be unlearned.

To change for the better, you must be convinced beyond all doubt that you can change, that you can learn to become less hostile and aggressive—or shy—and to overcome emotional handicaps. This conviction must be your starting point in your self-improvement program.

You must want to change. Many individuals have no incentive to improve themselves only because they were born into a neurotic home and were exposed to the incompatibility of unhappy parents.

Or they feel trapped in an unhealthy illness. They take a "what’s the use" attitude. They have self-defeating personalities. You must want to change for your own sake, rather than for someone else. To use an extreme example for illustrative purposes, say, a woman refuses to go anywhere alone because she has epileptic seizures. While this woman uses her epilepsy as an excuse to hide away, she remains unhealthy and depressed.

Likewise, not to improve because you feel it won’t be appreciated by someone else is fatal to growth and progress. You must reward yourself through accomplishments. You must develop a sense of pride, a feeling of worthiness and self-satisfaction that enables you to face the future with increasing self-confidence.

No one can deny there is an advantage to having someone to encourage you, someone who loves you and has a genuine desire to help you make progress in life. Such an advantage will naturally make it easier for you to attain your individual goals in life.

Yet you do not necessarily need this outside encouragement to bring about self-improvement. Nothing can stand in your way if you are determined. What you must do is to concentrate on changing and improving yourself every single day.

You will be amazed at the ease with which you will transform your personality and become the kind of person you want to be if you put into practice the suggestions that have been given to you. The time to start is now!

Some Pointers That Will Make a Difference in Your Life:

•    Make a list of affirmations, those that you want to change that apply to your inter-self. Repeat the affirmations twice daily, using the relaxation techniques in my Positive Personal Modification Therapy.
•    Take time to breath deeply and relax. This may seem a repetition of above, but what I am saying here is to make time to do it.
•    Pay close attention to the positive things in life.
•    Put your heart and trust in everything you do. With this attitude, you will do at least one good deed each day.

Become the best that you can be. Reward yourself for the growth taking place in you. It is your dedication and your belief that is making this all possible. Be proud and happy for the life you have chosen to lead . . . with control.

(Taken from "Cultivating a New Personality," 2002, by Lora Morrow)

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